About Us
The American Council of Engineering Companies of North Dakota (ACEC/ND) is a nonprofit, voluntary, self-governing organization, incorporated under the laws of the state of North Dakota for the purpose of protecting the public interest and advancing the professional position of engineers in private practice.
The firms listed on this site are members of ACEC/ND and have as their principal business the practice of consulting engineering. They maintain permanent offices in North Dakota staffed by qualified and registered engineers. ACEC/ND member firms neither engage in the sale of a product nor the contracting for construction. They are pledged to uphold high professional and ethical standards. By their membership, they subscribe to responsible, independent and impartial expertise in their field of practice.
The ACEC/ND is a member of the American Council of Engineering Companies, an association comprised of 52 states associations or 5,435 firms and roughly 215,000 employees throughout the nation. Members of ACEC/ND participate in national and international professional practice methods and may serve on national and local regulatory boards in addition to participating in the activities of the founder societies and encouraging membership in other technical and professional societies.
All members of the ACEC/ND are registered to practice professional engineering under the laws of North Dakota. Many also hold registration in other states. To qualify for membership in the ACEC/ND, engineering firms must be established, owned, and managed by technically and legally quali-fied engineers with no other vocation or prejudicial business affiliations.
ACEC/ND strives to assist its members in achieving higher professional, business, and economic standards. By being proactive in professional matters of management and business, ACEC/ND helps its members to provide better consulting engineering services for their clients. Of particular concern is:
- Protecting the public welfare;
- Safeguarding the ethical standards of the engineering professional and ensuring that ethical standards are maintained by consulting engineers in private practice;
- Promoting harmony, cooperation and mutual understanding among consulting engineers;
- Cooperating with public bodies and other organizations in matters of common interest;
- Promoting the professional and economic welfare of its members;
- Acting as a clearinghouse and information center among its members and providing cooperative services for their common purpose and benefit;
- Advising on enactment of legislation affecting the interest of consulting engineers, or that may have a relation to the general interests of ACEC/ND and;
- Supporting and assisting in the advancement of the science and practice of engineering.
What is a Consulting Engineer?
A consulting engineer is an individual or group of individuals, as a firm, who offer specialized services in one or more disciplinary branches of engineering - civil, electrical, environmental, geotechnical, mechanical and structural engineering, as well as land surveying. These individuals possess qualifications of education, technical knowledge and experience. They are registered to practice these disciplines by the North Dakota Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, and in other states as appropriate to their practices.
Basic services are provided on a fee basis and generally include, but are not limited to: investigations and analysis, planning, design, and construction review. ACEC/ND members have no affiliations with construction or manufacturing companies that would cause conflicts of interest or influence their engineering judgement.
ACEC/ND consists of 27 Consulting Engineering firms employing approximately 800 personnel for an average of 30 personnel per firm. Approximately 80% of the Consulting Engineering firms in North Dakota are members of ACEC/ND.